build your ministry

Taking a stand for life starts with baby steps

Every church can develop a pro-life culture. The links below will provide you all you need to create your pro-life ministry.

Those with a passion for the sanctity of human life wrestle with where to start.  Sometimes the task seems overwhelming. Our free guide is aimed at answering that question.

Pastors are often inundated from multiple directions with very worthy causes. One way to help them say yes is by drafting a proposal in advance. Download an outline here.

Scott Klusendorf presents a four part video series entitled “Ethics at the Edge of Life: Clear Christian Thinking on the Most Troubling Bio-Ethical Issues”

In this video, medical doctor and former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, discusses this question with Lila Rose of Live Action.
The answer is, “No.”

Use this simple tool to identify your critical ministries then review your sermons, ministry calendars, checkbook, etc. to evaluate where you are & plot a course to your destination.

One of our most sacred duties we have as citizens is to vote!  IL Family Institute provides a comprehensive guide so that you can vote for candidates who reflect your values. Same day registration is available on election day.